Battle Royale: Much Ado for a Scorpion

As I stumbled out of bed, half asleep and groggy from a late-night reading binge, I never expected a showdown with a scorpion on my way to the bathroom. But there it was – small but menacing, its pincers raised as if daring me to come any closer.

Now, let me tell you something about myself – I am not one for bugs or creepy crawlies. Just seeing the little arachnid sent shivers down my spine and made every hair on my body stand up. But being the brave (or maybe foolish) person that I am, instead of running away screaming as the sensible person would do at 2 am in their pajamas, armed only with a broom, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

With shaky hands gripping the handle of said broom tightly enough that they turned white; my heart racing faster than Usain Bolt could ever run and adrenaline coursing through my veins like electricity – all thoughts flew out of my head except one – KILL THE SCORPION!

I cautiously approached it inch by inch until finally, I was a broom distance away. And then, with one swift motion, I brought the broom down on it like Thor’s hammer – or so I thought.

To my horror and dismay, instead of squishing the little bugger into oblivion as intended; it quickly darted away under my front door and out onto my enclosed porch. Panic set in as I realized that not only was this creature still alive but now it had escaped to an even bigger space where there were more hiding spots.

You are probably thinking problem solved, it is no longer in your house, let it be. But I say to you, NO! I could not accept this outcome because my porch is an extension of my living space. It is where I eat meals, entertain guests, and do my laundry. So, this was a battle to the end.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down before making any rash decisions that could result in either getting stung by said scorpion or burning down my entire house (yes, those were actual thoughts running through my mind at that moment). After gathering all of the courage left within me – which was not much considering how terrified I was – I grabbed another weapon from inside: a wooden stick.

With newfound determination fueled by fear, anger, and pure adrenaline: armed once again with something other than a flimsy broomstick, I followed the scorpion outside. It was now or never – either I kill it, or it kills me (okay maybe that is a bit dramatic but you get the point).

The porch light illuminated its tiny body as it crawled along the ground; almost taunting me with how easily and quickly it could move. But this time, there would be no escape for this little critter – not on my watch! With great strength, I swung down hard on top of the scorpion like Babe Ruth hitting a home run in baseball – except instead of sending a ball flying into space; I sent that pesky arachnid straight back to wherever hellish place from which it came.  

A sense of relief washed over me knowing that finally after what felt like hours (but realistically only about 5 minutes), the showdown between myself and this creepy crawler had come to an end.

Feeling victorious yet still slightly shaken up by the whole ordeal, all I could think was that this would be a story worth sharing with my friends and family. I am sure they will laugh, though I am grateful they were not here to witness what undoubtedly looked like a mad woman on the loose.

And in case you were wondering,  I made it to the bathroom eventually without further incident. 

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