
I have heard some people describe the Peace Corps candidate process with the following adjectives: 'long,' 'stressful,' and 'difficult' - while this might be true for some, not everyone will experience such matters. Some people wait over a year from application to departure; in my case, the process lasted 8 months - and I will admit it took a fair bit of patience and time. But everything worked out for the better.

The most considerable recommendations I can provide regarding the Peace Corps are:

  1. Be patient. 
  2. Research everything - the history, purpose, and ongoing programs of the Peace Corps. No need to stress about this, it is not as if you are trying to memorize a novel that must be recited in front of thousands of people.
  3. Connect with a recruiter. They are excellent supporters and resources throughout the process. The two recruiters I was lucky enough to know read, edited, and offered suggestions on how to improve my resume and motivation statement. 
  4. Lastly, take a leap of faith. You would not be here if you did not think on some level that you are qualified. So apply, and take a chance, you never know what could happen. If it does not work out, this is not the end. It is simply the beginning of a different life path. 

I wish you all much luck and happiness throughout your application process and service. 

That said...

When I began my Peace Corps journey I found it informative and reassuring to audit the timeline of others. So I have laid mine out here hoping it will be as helpful as the timelines that came before. 

May 2023: Preparing Application and Accompanying Documents

Thursday, 1 June 2023: Submitted Application 

Thursday, 1 June 2023: Under Review. A Placement Specialist began reviewing my application on the same day I submitted it to determine which program required my skills most. 

Thursday, 6 June 2023: Under Review for Ghana

Monday, 12 June 2023: Interview Requested

Friday, 23 June 2023: Interview Day

Thursday, 6 July 2023: Invitation Received!

Wednesday, 20 September 2023: Dental Clearance

Tuesday, 14 November 2023: Medical Clearance

Monday, 20 November 2023: Legal Clearance

Saturday, 13 January 2024: Departed for Staging

Tuesday, 16 January 2024: Departed for Ghana! 

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