About the Peace Corps

What is the Peace Corps?

The Peace Corps is a United States government program founded by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 in response to a growing need to assist developing countries with social and economic advancement.

The Peace Corps Mission

To promote world peace and friendship by fulfilling three goals:

  • To help the countries interested in meeting their need for trained people
  • To help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served
  • To help promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans

Volunteers are only sent to countries that specifically request the assistance of Peace Corps. Volunteers sent will work at the grassroots level, living and working side by side with community members on locally prioritized projects, building relationships, exchanging cultures and knowledge, and assisting in the transformation of lives for future generations.

Today, volunteers serve in over 60 countries in a variety of programs including agriculture, community economic development, education, environment, health, and youth in development. You can learn more about these programs here.

Post-pandemic, the Peace Corps has made significant changes to the application process as a way of further simplifying and accelerating the entire process. You can read more about the application process here.

If you are passionate about helping others, exploring new lands, and learning that which you do not yet know, then start your application today!

If you require more motivation, watch this video!

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